One-way ANOVA test indicated that there was a significant difference between all the groups ( P < 0.05). Results: Mean values of HCG obtained in direct face-bow transfer were 24.93°, indirect transfer −27.66°, and cephalometric analysis −32.73°.
The data was subjected to ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test. HCG values obtained from cephalometric records were taken as control. Protrusive records were made in Alu wax and used to program the directly and indirectly transferred casts. The mandibular casts were mounted using maximum intercuspation record. A single arbitrary face-bow record was used for mounting the maxillary casts by direct and indirect transfer for each subject. Two sets of maxillary and mandibular casts were obtained. Materials and Methods: A total of 15 subjects of age 20-30 years, of either sex were selected. Aims and Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of direct and indirect face-bow transfer on the horizontal condylar guidance (HCG) values obtained on the semi-adjustable articulator.